Monday, May 2, 2011

Homemade Lip Gloss

Invite your kids to make her own flavored lip gloss from simple ingredients you have around the house.
You Need:
Unsweetened Kool-Aid or any flavored drink mix: If you want blue lips, go for the grape-flavored stuff. Cherry-flavored Kool-Aid will give your kid a tasty red lips.
Vanilla extract
Cocoa powder
A small mixing bowl
A spoon: For mixing
Measuring spoons
Cake decorating glitter: To add a little sparkle.
A container for the lip gloss: Find them at your local craft or beauty supply shop. You may want to pick up a dozen or so. Soda or water bottle caps can also make cool lip gloss containers if you don't plan on carrying them around with you.
Paper or stickers: For a label
Food coloring

1. Have her decide what flavor of lip gloss she wants to make before she starts mixing things together.

2. To start, have her put some Vaseline into a (microwavable) mixing bowl and microwave it for about two minutes—until it's a liquid. Try not to let it boil!

3. If she's making chocolate gloss, have her add cocoa powder to the base and mix and stir it up to get rid of any lumps. She should add as little or as much powder as she wants, keeping in mind the more she adds, the darker the tint will be.

4. Then have her return the mixture to the microwave for another 20 seconds and then stir again.

5. If she wants to make vanilla flavored lip gloss, instead of heating the Vaseline in the mixing bowl, just have her add a tiny amount of vanilla extract to it (like 1/8 teaspoon for every 2 tablespoons of Vaseline).

6. To make blue lip gloss, warm the Vaseline in the microwave for about 20 seconds, then stir in some blueberry Kool-Aid.

7. She can now stir in food coloring to tint her lip gloss or add cake glitter to make it sparkle.

8. Finally, get her to pour or scrape the mixture into the lip gloss containers and let it cool. (If you've been using the microwave, be careful, it'll be hot!)

9. When she's finished making the lip gloss, have her make some labels for it. She can print or draw a label on paper and stick it on with a glue stick or print or draw one on a sticky blank address label. She can dress her gloss up with stickers, too!
Homemade lip gloss makes a great gift for your kid's girlfriends. Do this at your kid's next birthday party. An activity and party favor all in one!

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